An ounce of intent is worth a pound of detail!
A few years ago i was teaching a young golf pro, i got his long game better and he started hitting more greens. When that happens it places more emphasis on putting. In the second year that I coached him, he came along for advice on his putting. At the beginning, he didn't stop talking for five minutes his head was absolutely filled with theory. I said. “Okay, we're going to putt nine holes, but there’s one catch. You've got to hold the putter face 45-degrees closed at address before you start your stroke.”
That seems crazy but here we go (see video). I'm going to turn the club face in 45 degrees and then i'm going to try to hole the putt. As you can see, I just left it hanging over the edge of the hole! The point I made to my pupil was that if your body can override that situation – reorientate the putter face during the stroke by some 45 degrees, then putting isn’t about the minutiae of the detail at impact. It's more about the intent.
Try this at home yourself. Hold the putter face 45 degrees shut at address and see how cleverly your body can improvise. The fact of the matter is that, even if you have a poor stroke, your intent to roll the ball will override any small details. As the old saying goes, ‘An ounce of intent is worth a pound of detail.’
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